
This is the javascript file that is used to power the live example in the iphone on this github page for the Junior HTML5 mobile framework. Don't forget, that you need to include the necessary js and css dependencies that are listed on the main github page. You will also need some initial scaffolding in the body of your HTML like this:

<div id="app-container">
   <div id="app-main">

Defining Templates and Views


This is just an array of strings. However, you can use whatever templating library that you want here.

var HomeTemplate = [

Put in a div with class content. Ratchet will style this appropriately.

  '<div class="content">',
  ' <header class="junior-intro">',
  '   <h1 class="junior-name"><i class="icon-umbrella"></i> Junior</h1>',
  '   <p>A front-end framework for building html5 mobile apps with a native look and feel.</p>',
  ' </header>',

Another Ratchet component, a fancy list divider.

  ' <ul class="list divider-list"><li class="list-divider">Features</li></ul>',

In the view, we will use the flickable zepto plugin here, to animate this carousel.

  ' <div class="carousel-container">',
  '   <ul class="carousel-list">',
  '     <li class="carousel-item native-look-and-feel">',
  '       <summary>Transitions with a native look and feel.</summary>',
  '       <div class="feature-icon"></div>',
  '     </li>',
  '     <li class="carousel-item carousel-content">',
  '       <summary>Carousels using flickable.js</summary>',
  '       <i class="icon-picture"></i>',
  '     </li>',
  '     <li class="carousel-item backbone-content">',
  '       <summary>Integrated with Backbone.js</summary>',
  '       <div class="feature-icon"></div>',
  '     </li>',
  '   </ul>',

Add in these dots as a quick navigation for the carousel

  ' <div class="carousel-navigation-container">',
  '   <ul class="carousel-navigation"><li class="active" data-index="0"></li><li data-index="1"></li><li data-index="2"></li></ul>',
  ' </div>',
  ' </div>',

Use a ratchet button here

  ' <div class="button-positive button-block show-more-button">Show me more!</div>',

Join the array with a new-line for a quick and easy html template.



A Jr.View works just like a Backbone.View, except whenever you attach a click event, if will check to see if you are on a touch device and if you are, attach a touchend event instead.

var HomeView = Jr.View.extend({

Simply render our HomeTemplate in the View's HTML

  render: function(){

Always return 'this' so Jr.Router can append your view to the body

    return this;

  afterRender: function() {

  setUpCarousel: function() {
    var after = function() {

Use the flickable plugin to setup our carousel with 3 segments


We have to put this in a setTimeout so that it sets it up after the view is added to the DOM


  events: {
    'click .show-more-button': 'onClickShowMoreButton',
    'onScroll .carousel-list': 'onScrollCarousel',
    'click .carousel-navigation li': 'onClickCarouselNavigationItem'

  onClickShowMoreButton: function() {

Jr.Navigator works like Backbone.history.navigate, but it allows you to add an animation in the mix.

      trigger: true,
      animation: {

Do a stacking animation and slide to the left.

        type: Jr.Navigator.animations.SLIDE_STACK,
        direction: Jr.Navigator.directions.LEFT
    return false;

  onScrollCarousel: function() {

Set the active dot when the user scrolls the carousel

    var index = this.$('.carousel-list').flickable('segment');
    this.$('.carousel-navigation li').removeClass('active');
    this.$('.carousel-navigation li[data-index="'+index+'"]').addClass('active');

  onClickCarouselNavigationItem: function(e) {

Scroll the carousel when the user clicks on a dot.

    var index = $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-index');



This is just a template that shows different UI elements that you can use from the Ratchet project

var RatchetTemplate = [
  '<header class="bar-title">',
  ' <div class="header-animated">',

If you want the contents of the header to be animated as well, put those elements inside a div with a 'header-animated' class.

  '   <div class="button-prev">Back</div>',
  '   <h1 class="title">Ratchet CSS</h1>',
  '   <div class="button-next">Next</div>',
  '<div class="content ratchet-content">',
  ' <p>Jr. was inspired by Ratchet and pulls in their gorgeous styles.</p>',
  ' <p>Here are some examples:</p>',
  ' <div class="ratchet-examples">',
  '  <ul class="list inset">',
  '   <li>',
  '     <a href="#">',
  '       List item 1',
  '       <span class="chevron"></span>',
  '       <span class="count">4</span>',
  '     </a>',
  '   </li>',
  '  </ul>',
  '  <div class="button-block button-main">Block button</div>',
  '  <a class="button">Mini</a> <a class="button-main">buttons</a> <a class="button-positive">are</a> <a class="button-negative">awesome!</a>',
  '  <div class="toggle active example-toggle"><div class="toggle-handle"></div></div>',
  '  <div class="example-cnts"><span class="count">1</span><span class="count-main">2</span><span class="count-positive">3</span><span class="count-negative">4</span></div>',
  '  <input type="search" placeholder="Search">',
  ' </div>',
  ' <p>For more examples checkout the <a href="http://maker.github.com/ratchet/">ratchet project.</a></p>',


var RatchetView = Jr.View.extend({
  render: function(){
    return this;

  events: {
    'click .button-prev': 'onClickButtonPrev',
    'click .button-next': 'onClickButtonNext',
    'click .example-toggle': 'onClickExampleToggle'

  onClickButtonPrev: function() {

Trigger the animation for the back button on the toolbar

      trigger: true,
      animation: {

This time slide to the right because we are going back

        type: Jr.Navigator.animations.SLIDE_STACK,
        direction: Jr.Navigator.directions.RIGHT

  onClickButtonNext: function() {
      trigger: true,
      animation: {
        type: Jr.Navigator.animations.SLIDE_STACK,
        direction: Jr.Navigator.directions.LEFT

  onClickExampleToggle: function() {

Simple example of how the on/off toggle switch works.



Nothing new here

var PushStateTemplate = [
  '<header class="bar-title">',
  ' <div class="header-animated">',
  '   <div class="button-prev">Back</div>',
  '   <h1 class="title">Pushstate API</h1>',
  '<div class="content pushstate-content">',
  '  <summary>In combination with backbone\'s routing and the pushstate api, Jr. maintains animations when you use pushstate.</summary>',
  '  <i class="icon-umbrella"></i>',
  '  <p>Push the browser back button to watch it work.</p>',
  '</div> '


var PushStateView = Jr.View.extend({
  render: function() {
    return this;

  events: {
    'click .button-prev': 'onClickButtonPrev'

  onClickButtonPrev: function() {
      trigger: true,
      animation: {
        type: Jr.Navigator.animations.SLIDE_STACK,
        direction: Jr.Navigator.directions.RIGHT


Routing to your Views

Jr.Router is just like a Backbone.Router except we provide a renderView that will automatically add the view to the dom and do the animation if one is specified. It will also automatically handle doing an opposite animation if the back button is pressed.

var AppRouter = Jr.Router.extend({
  routes: {
    '': 'home',
    'ratchet': 'ratchet',
    'pushstate': 'pushstate'

  home: function(){
    var homeView = new HomeView();

  ratchet: function() {
    var ratchetView = new RatchetView();

  pushstate: function() {
    var pushStateView = new PushStateView();


var appRouter = new AppRouter();